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tackbeare manor was home to samuel gilbert (1636-1728). by his wife grace stevens he had four children. judith (1681-1710) married john cory of holsworthy in 1703. a daughter, dorothy, of this union married a cousin john cory. it is from dorothy and john that the corys who came to new south wales in 1823 descend.

in september 1993 i visited tackbeare. at the time the old manor house was being run as a b&b. the following photos, using film, were taken by my husband thomas lloyd. recently, they have been scanned, cropped and enhanced, which has brought up detail not obvious in the original prints.

over the centuries the estate has diminished in size and importance. once known as the manor and then barton, it is now referred to as a farmhouse. further information on both the gilbert family and the estate by a researcher living in england can be found at

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as with most place names of antiquity, many variants in spelling have been used. i have chosen to go with tackbeare as first used in new south wales, whereas in her case she has chosen to use tackbear. to confuse the matter further the name has often been transcribed as jackbear(e) in australian records.

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inside the house are a number of features originating from the occupancy by the gilbert family and more specifically by samuel gilbert (1636-1720), the father of judith cory. over the centuries great care has been taken to preserve these antiquities.

according to information displayed in the house richard gilbert settled the estate on his son samuel in 1673.

it was quite an experience to stand in front of a wardrobe owned by an ancestor more than 300 years ago.

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of particular interest are a number of plaster casts below the cornice in various rooms. from memory, they were cream or white but in the process of enhancing these photos for detail, colour possibly reflected from the blue ceilings and/or walls becomes apparent.
all plaster cast photos taken by

allegorical plaster work in a bedroom thought to represent the winged figure of father time pointing to the crown over the head of a diminutive george i on his right, to his left the naked figure of the old pretender with a whip over his head slips away.
source:- from listing details for tackbeare farmhouse.
english heritage.

king george i who reigned as king of great britain and ireland 1714-1727.
courtesy of wikipedia

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to be sold by private treaty, with possession at
lady-day next the very desirable barton, called

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with the adjoining tenement, box? knowle, comprising together nearly 300 acres of excellent arable, meadow, pasture, superior orchard, and wood land, with a roomy and comfortable residence, convenient outbuildings of every description, large and productive fruit and kitchen gardens.
the house is well situated in the centre of the estate, which lies within a ring fence, is distant 4 miles from the towns of stratton, and holsworthy, 12 from launceston, and 5 from the rapidly improving watering place of bude, from whence and also from widemouth bay, (distant about 4 miles ) lime, sea sand and sea weed can be inexpensively procured. the bude canal passes within a quarter mile of the property.
the property is well wooded and abundantly supplied with water, abounds in game, several packs of hounds kept in its vicinity, and from its proximity to the tamar the fishing is excellent. the growth of timber is not surpassed on any estate in the west of england.
there are two good pews in the church, and a daily post within a mile of the house.
the whole of the property is in a high state of cultivation, having been in the occupation of the proprietor for many years.
also, an undivided moiety of a tenement called hick? knowle, containing 6a. 3r. 9p. of fertile land, with a dwelling, garden, and out-houses.
also, cottle? park and cottle? orchard, at knowle, with several other small tenements and cottages, all closely adjacent to the barton of tackbear.
the proprietor is desirous of selling the above property at a fair price, but should his views in this respect not be realized, tenders will be received by messrs glubbs, (as under,) for letting the same for a term of 7 or 14 years.
for viewing the property apply at tackbear house, and for further particulars at the office of messrs.

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solicitors, liskeard,
where the conditions of sale or letting may be seen.

dated 23rd november, 1844.

transcribed from an advertisement appearing in
trewman? exeter flying post 4th december 1844.

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the line of descent from samuel and grace gilbert, is given at

when ann amy, died in 1819 at the age of 79, having outlived her siblings and their descendants, the heirs-at-law, on the maternal side became george harward, who received one moiety of her estate and john kingdon and samuel cory who shared the other. samuel, a surgeon of holsworthy, was the elder brother of john cory who came to new south wales.

george harward, who at the time, was living at tackbear, bought out the other beneficiaries. on his death the estate passed to his daughter emmeline.

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to be let by tender, (on the usual con-
ditions, to be seen as below, where the tenders

with the adjoining tenements, called box? knowle, and a moiety of knowle hill, comprising together nearly 300 acres of excellent arable, meadow,
pasture, and superior orchard, with a most comfortable residence, convenient outbuildings of every description, large and productive fruit and kitchen gardens; now in the occupation of mr t
homas every lean.
the house is well situated in the centre of the estate,
which lies within a ring fence, is distant four miles from the towns of stratton and holsworthy, twelve from launceston, and five from the rapidly improving watering-
bude, from whence, and from widemouth bay,
( distant about four miles ) lime, sea sand, and sea weed can be inexpensively procured. the bude canal
passes within a quarter of a mile of the estate. the property is well wooded and abundantly supplied with water, abounds in game, and from its proximity to the
tamar, the fishing is excellent. there are two good pews in the parish church, and a daily post within a short distance of the house. the whole of the above property is in a high state of cultivation and the proprietor will readily assist in making further improvements, by draining, &c.
for viewing the property apply to the tenant at t
ackbear house; and for further particulars, at the offices of the proprietor,
mr glubb, solicitor, liskeard.
dated 24th august, 1848.
the incoming tennant can be accommodated with all or any part of this year? crops, at a valuation in the usual mode, and the present tenant will readily afford him every facility and accommodation on taking possession.
tenders in writing may be sent to t
ackbear house,
or to the said mr glubb, on or before thursday, the
14th of september next.

transcribed from an advertisement appearing in trewman? exeter flying post, 7th september 1848.

these two advertisements give an idea of the extent of the tackbear estate its associated buildings and land-use. apart from the freehold land the right to several nearby tenements are included in the sale.

at the time the bude canal was an important link with the sea from whence seaweed as fertilizer and sea sand (mainly seashell) as a source of lime could be conveyed cheaply to farming communities inland. part of the bude canal, and its tow paths are now being restored.

it is interesting to note that the right to two pews in the church at bridgerule is included in the sale.

these days english heritage describe the house as ?ackbeare farmhouse (formerly listed as tackbear manor)? probably because the surrounding land has been reduced.

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in 1821 emmeline georgina harward, daughter of george harward married lewis stevens hawkey. the witnesses were cory kingdon and richard hawkey and the ceremony was performed by the reverend thomas h kingdon.

as was not unusual for the times, it seems that the bride and groom had ancestors in common.

you may link to this page, but if you wish to publish any of the information presented please contact me. for most names listed on these pages, i can provide further information.
?jocelyn e lloyd 2008.

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