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australian ancestors of david sanderson lloyd 
and ellinor muriel lloyd (nee bowling)
compiled by thomas david lloyd
last updated: 8 february 2011
roberts ancestors
mary roberts daughter of henry llewelyn roberts and mary grant lindsay
born hobart, tasmania,3 july 1864
married henry sanderson lloyd, in  hobart, tasmania, 15 february 1892
died  6 june 1938
dorothea lloyd, born 24 november 1892, died 16 may 1968
griffith sanderson lloyd, born 11 june 1894, died 13 december 1936
rachel mary lloyd, born 2 november 1897, died 17 may 1978
david sanderson lloyd, born 9 july 1900, died 19 may 1978
henry llewelyn roberts son of  john llewelyn roberts and judith harward
born hobart, tasmania, 8 march 1831
married mary grant lindsay in st david�s cathedral, hobart, tasmania, 18 august 1863
died hobart, tasmania, 10 february 1919
mary roberts, born 3 july 1864, died 6 june 1938
alice harward roberts, born 4 december 1866, died 6 july 1907
ida roberts, born 6 august 1868, died 23 june 1947
henry llewelyn roberts, born 15 september 1870, died 10 march 1888
infant roberts, born 17 march 1872
infant roberts, born 20 december 1872, died 21 december 1872
william arthur roberts, born 28 march 1876, died 3 april 1932
john llewelyn roberts son of  llewelyn roberts and grace hereward
born 1788
arrived australia in??/span>caledonia?? 17 november 1820
married judith harward
died hobart, tasmania, 15 june 1832
john roberts born 9 november 1810
caroline roberts born 1 october 1812, died 1 september 1890
edward llewelyn roberts born 26 april 1815, died 5 december 1891
elizabeth roberts born 20 july 1817, died  1883
robert roberts born 3 october 1819
william arthur roberts born 6 september 1826
frederick delerim roberts born 23 september 1828
henry llewelyn roberts born 8 march 1831
lloyd bowling
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