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the cory family held title to nearly 6,000 acres at paterson's plains, by way of grants and purchases from the crown, including a town block at paterson. details of land held beyond paterson? plains is given in further afield

cory vale 1824-1877
in 1824, governor brisbane gave permission for john cory the elder to occupy the 800 acres, known as cory vale. in 1836, john cory's solicitors in exeter drew up a series of legal documents to divide his land held in new south wales between his two sons john johnson and gilbert. cory vale was subdivided along the allyn river into two properties. the eastern section retained the name cory vale and became part of a marriage settlement to elizabeth, the wife of his second son john johnson.

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gostwyck 1823-1874

edward's initial grant of 2,030 acres with a frontage to the paterson river, which he called gostwyck, was granted by governor brisbane in 1823. subsequently, he added to this grant by purchasing three blocks from the crown bringing the total of his freehold land to 4,050 acres. after edward's death in 1873 the gostwyck estate in its entirety was sold to henry luke in 1874. when paterson was gazetted as a town in 1833 edward bought a block with a frontage to the paterson river.

tackbeare 1836-1925

the western section of cory vale, consisting of 280 acres west of the allyn river, was renamed tackbeare. in due course it was owned by gilbert in his own right. after the death of his second wife, the property was subdivided into blocks to suit the existing tenants and was auctioned in 1925. three of gilbert's grandsons, claude, robert and roland worthington bought a small block of 2 acres 1 rood.

vacy 1825-1927
john the elder, added to his original grant of 800 acres by purchasing two parcels of land across the with a purchase of 400 acres, which he split into sillick and vasy (as then spelt) and a further purchase of 640 acres he called poltimore. these three parcels of land were across the river from cory vale. the vacy estate, consisting of poltimore, sillick and vasy became the marriage settlement to gilbert's first wife, jeanette. it was on this land, under the guidance of gilbert, that the township of vacy developed. the subdivision and subsequent sale of vacy in 1927 ended the presence of the corys at paterson's plains.

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the vineyard estate of 2,080 acres was a grant to g j frankland. for some years starting in 1827 edward leased the whole estate which adjoined his grant of gostwyck. in the 1828 census, edward and his family were listed as living in vineyard cottage on the estate. his convicts were also listed with the address of vineyard cottage.

land rented from the crown

big creek, martin? creek, shingle splitter? creek and welshman? flats

for some years settlers were able to rent crown land adjoining their primary grant. starting in 1829 edward was renting on a yearly basis, 5,480 acres. the area was reduced in 1838 after he added some of this land to his gostwyck estate by purchasing three sections, each of 640 acres, near present day hilldale. the river flats of this land were known as welshman? flats. another portion leased to walter duck was known as big creek. the residual 3,560 acres (or 5.5 sq miles) was in the parish of barford. the only crown land in the parish of barford adjoining his primary grant was to the east taking in the flats of martin? creek and shingle splitter? creek.

the cory estates

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